Matlab Reconstruction Library (MRecon)
Data reading
- unprocessed raw data (.raw)
- exported raw data (.data/.list)
- cpx data (.cpx)
- rec data (.rec/.par; .rec/.xml)
- Bruker raw data (fid)
Raw data preprocessing steps
- Dc-offset correction
- Random phase correction
- PDA correction
- Measurement phase correction
- 2D radial
- 3D stack of radials
- 3D kooshball
- Golden angle radial
- 2D/3D spiral
- EPI ramp sampling
- User defined trajectories
Partial Fourier reconstruction
- Partial echo
- Halfscan
Advanced corrections
- 3D ringing filter
- EPI correction
- Concomitant field correction
Cardiac Imaging
- Retrospective triggering
- Access to respiratory navigator
Image production
- Fourier transform
- Zero filling
- Oversampling removal
- Coil combination
- Image orientation
- Image scaling
SENSE Reconstruction
- On cartesian grid
Data export
- DICOM format
- Rec format
- Raw format
- Cpx format
- ISMRMRD raw data format
Parameter Access
- Access all available scan, recon and pulse programming parameters within Matlab and use them in your custom reconstruction pipeline
Geometry transformation
- Transform from measurement coordinate system to patient or scanner corrdinate system ans vice versa
- Anonymize Philips .raw files
Scanner Software Patch
- Writes all available scan and recon parameters directly into raw file
- Open source
- Any parameter in the pulsprogramming enviroment can be passed to Matlab